132 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity improvement after fractionating organic extracts from Lasiodiplodia sp. Fermentation / Melhoria da atividade antimicrobiana após fracionamento de extratos orgânicos de Lasiodiplodia sp. fermentação

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    Endophytes constitute a promising source of bioactive substances with therapeutic potentialities. Thereby, an endophytic fungi was isolated from Handroanthus impetiginosus leaves and classified as Lasiodiplodia sp. by DNA sequence analysis and phylogenetic inference in this study. Chlorophorm (Ld-Chlo) and ethyl acetate extracts (Ld-EAm, Ld-AE and Ld-EA+) obtained from fungus fermentation broth have been fractionated, whose extracts and fractions have been tested for assessing their antimicrobial activity against four Gram-positive, two Gram-negative and three yeast strains. It was observed an antimicrobial profile regarding crude extracts against Gram-positive and yeast pathogens. The major inhibition was achieved by Ld-Chlo (MIC of 12.5-25 µg.mL-1) and Ld-EAm (MIC of 12.5-25 µg.mL-1), both against Candida parapsilosis. The extracts were more efficient against Listeria monocytongenes and C. parapsilosis pathogens. Fractionation increased the antimicrobial activity of fractions if compared to crude extracts, probably due to a higher concentration of bioactive compounds. Gass Chromatography (GC-MS) was performed using fractions from Ld-Chlo, through which it was possible to identify four known compounds with recognized antimicrobial activity: (Z)-docos-13-enamide (1), methyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate (2), (Z)-octadec-9-enamide (3) and dodecanamide (4).. Thence, it is suggested that the fractionation of crude extracts improve antibacterial and antifungal activities and that the identified bioactive compounds are at the helm of the antimicrobial activity presented by some fractions. 

    Association between Dentin Hypersensitivity and Health/Oral Health-related Quality of Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Objective: To investigate the association between DH and Health (HRQoL) or Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL). Material and Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, Cochrane, Scielo, LILACS/BBO, Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), Open Grey, and Google Scholar databases were screened in September 2019 (updated in October 2022). Observational studies were selected to compare HRQoL/OHRQoL(outcome) according to DH(exposure) or evaluate the association among these variables. Standardized Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool for analytical cross-sectional studies was used to analyze the risk of bias. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to synthesize evidence for the association between DH and OHRQoL. Results: 10 papers met inclusion criteria and were evaluated. In most studies, presenting or having a greater intensity of DH was associated with a negative impact on one\u27s quality of life. However, most of these studies showed a moderate to high risk of methodological bias. The consistent finding from studies with a low risk of bias suggests a significant association between DH and OHRQoL. Meta-analysis was feasible for three studies with substantial heterogeneity. The pooled Odds Ratio was 2.14 (95%CI 1.15-3.99; I2=57,44%).Conclusion: Many studies presented a high risk of bias; therefore, the actual effect of DH on one\u27s quality of life remains uncertain

    Hábitos alimentares e sua correlação com o desenvolvimento de carcinogênese gástrica na população brasileira: Uma revisão da literatura / Food habits and their correlation with the development of gastric carcinogenesis in the brazilian population: A literature review

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    Introdução: A alimentação no Brasil é rica em condimentos, sal e temperos, podendo assim, estar fortemente relacionada a alta incidência de câncer gastrointestinal. Desta forma, para que ocorra um planejamento da saúde preventiva e, consequentemente, a redução dos casos, é necessário entender os fatores vinculados ao surgimento da patologia. Objetivo: Correlacionar o desenvolvimento deste tipo de neoplasia com fatores dietéticos. Metodologia: Os dados foram coletados no período de 2009 a 2019 a partir de artigos da base de dados PubMed, Scielo, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e estatística (IBGE) e Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA), com base nos critérios de inclusão e dos descritores: “comida salgada”, “carne vermelha”, “carnes processadas”, “câncer” e “Brasil”. Resultados: Foram selecionados 8 artigos, e foi observada a prevalência do consumo de carnes processadas, vermelha e alimentos com alto teor de sódio. As regiões brasileiras com maior incidência de câncer colorretal e estômago são: sudeste, seguida da região sul e região nordeste. Nessas regiões as taxas de incidência da soma dos casos de câncer colorretal e estômago representaram 10,9% de todos os casos da região sudeste, 8,42% de todos os casos da região sul e na região nordeste cerca de 8,78% de todos os casos. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados sugerem que a manifestação do câncer gastrointestinal pode ser associada a fatores dietéticos, dependendo das porções alimentares consumidas e a frequência das mesmas.. Portanto, é imprescindível destacar a importância de hábitos alimentares saudáveis com a finalidade de reduzir a incidência do desenvolvimento carcinogênico gastrointestinal.

    Comparison among Feline’s Body Mass Index, Leptin Hormone Serum Level and Body Condition Score to Diagnose Obesity in Domestic Cats

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    Background: Today, obesity is a condition commonly seen in small animal internal medicine. This condition is defined as excess of body fat resulting from increased energy absorption or reduced energy expenditure, and it is classified as a nutritional and metabolic disorder.  Obesity results from excessive formation of adipose tissue, and can pose severe consequences to the animal's health. It can also become an aggravating factor for several diseases, frequently exerting direct effects on morbidity and mortality.  This study aimed to evaluate feline body mass index (FBMI), and associate this parameter with body condition score (BCS) and leptin hormone serum levels.Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted in a private Veterinary Clinic exclusively dedicated to feline care in the neighborhood of Botafogo, city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ninety-six feline patients (Felis catus) were randomly selected independent of their gender (male or female - intact or not), breed, or age from cats that were submitted for surgical interventions. The population was then divided into two groups according to FBMI: group 1, with non-obese animals (FBMI < 30%), totaling 53 animals; and group 2, with obese animals (FBMI ≥ 30%), totaling 43 animals. Physical examination was conducted on all animals. During this procedure, the weight of the animals was recorded; obesity was determined subjectively using the BCS, and objectively using plasma leptin concentration as assessed by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Leptin concentration in the plasma of the 96 animals included in this study was 13.81 ± 13.06 ng/mL HE. The average for group 1 was 3.85 ± 3.08 ng/mL HE, while the average for group 2 was 26.08 ± 9.61 ng/mL HE. The average leptin concentration in animals with body condition scores 1 and 2 (lean) was 2.53 ± 1.22 ng/mL HE; the average leptin concentration in animals with a BCS of 3 (ideal) was 4.23 ± 3.67 ng/mL HE; the average leptin concentration in animals with body condition scores 4 and 5 (above the ideal weight) was 21.29 ± 12.47 ng/mL HE. Animals with scores 1, 2, and 3 were present only in group 1, with averages of 2.53 ± 1.22 ng/mL HE for animals with scores 1 and 2, and 4.23 ± 3.73 ng/mL HE for animals with a score of 3. Animals with scores 4 and 5 in group 1 had an average leptin concentration of 5.24 ± 4.41 ng/mL HE, and animals with scores 4 and 5 in group 2 had an average leptin concentration of 26.08 ± 9.61 ng/mL HE. In cats, plasma leptin has been determined in experimental studies under controlled conditions, but not in clinical studies. It is possible that this is the first study in which this parameter has been assessed under heterogeneous conditions; therefore, caution should be taken if this technique is used in the clinical routine for determination of obesity in domestic cats.Discussion: Plasma leptin concentration may be a quantitative parameter for evaluation of obesity in dogs, humans, and rodents. Assessment of plasma leptin concentration could be included in obesity monitoring programs for cats and, additionally, constitute a helpful parameter in scientific studies on obesity in this species. In addition to providing descriptive data on obesity in cats in Rio de Janeiro, the results reported in this study may help veterinarians to predict which cats are prone to becoming obese. Prevention of feline obesity can be as or more important than curing it